Noted rocking chair maker, woodworker and crafts mentor Sam Maloof passed away on Thursday at the age of 93 according to this article in the
Press-Enterprise .
"I'm very pleased that I can still work," he said in an interview last year, talking while he built a chair. "I don't move around as fast as I did, but I'm still working eight, nine, 10 hours a day, six days a week. If you love what you do, it really isn't work."
I wish all could love their work in that way. Those of us who work with wood and with our hands are very lucky. Could his pleasure have had something to do with his hands? I had the pleasure of meeting Sam in the fall of 2007 and gave him a copy of my book
Basic Box Making. Sam Maloof was an incredible inspiration for thousands of woodworkers and will be missed.
A good man, and he will be missed. He really was an inspiration.