I am making an air controller for my dust collection, which allows me to switch from the planer to the table saw or turn the air flow from both off. It is a simple box with an internal divider and a sliding control. In the photos you can see positions, one, two (off) and three. It is a simple device that should save me countless steps to the back side of the equipment to switch hoses. It should make the shop neater, and it will definitely cut down the time spent on my knees while hooking things up.
We had a successful White Street Art Walk last night. Weather was beautiful and the crowds were having great fun, drinking a bit and buying art. Tomorrow I have the ALT reception and will make a ten minute talk about my work, those who have enabled it, and the Wisdom of the Hands. Making the dust collector control box was a great diversion, something I've been needing to make and I always feel much better when I get to make something useful.
Nice design work there. This will make work easier to do.