I watched today as the House of Representatives passed legislation we all hope reverses the decline of the economy. We can keep our fingers crossed and tied in knots that their actions are guided by wisdom, but it is far better to get busy and make things with the wisdom of our hands.
Today I also got a review document of the article that will go in American Woodworker about the Wisdom of the Hands program at Clear Spring School, and I received copies of the November/December issue of Fine Woodworking with my latest article "Better Way to Build Boxes." One of the editors said of my flipping story stick technique described in the article, "That one technique is worth the price of a whole year's subscription!" It means a lot to me that simple things I have discovered in my own wood shop have that kind of effect.
If you are a subscriber to Fine Woodworking, your copy should arrive soon. If not, you will find it on the newsstands and bookstores in one week, or you can subscribe at the Fine Woodworking website.

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