Saturday, October 25, 2008

Autumn is the best time of the year to learn about the diversity of our natural hardwood forests, a theme in my work since 1976. Today I am raking leaves and have a beautiful day for it. So I won't bother with my camera, but will share a link to my regular website showing a few of the leaves of Arkansas. But better than images uploaded from my computer, step outside and see for yourself. Real leaves are even more beautiful than the sycamore leaves shown below.


  1. Hi Doug, I figured those sugar maples were not native to Arkansas, but were brought in by settlers from further north. Do you have any history on that?

    I have something called a saw-tooth oak on my property. That is a new name to me.


  2. Dana, we are in the native range of sugar maple. I don't know of a saw-tooth oak and couldn't find it in my Trees of Arkansas book. That might be someone's local name. One oak that has a sawtooth edge is Chinkapin oak whose name comes from the shape of the leaf which is similar to the Ozark chinkapin.
