Monday, October 06, 2008

I got some good news today concerning the development project that would have destroyed Arrowmont. The development deal is declared dead! We have had our share of "developers" here in Eureka Springs who blow in with their high falutin' plans that have little sensitivity to the reality on the ground, or the real needs of the community. The news doesn't mean things are over, but the petitions sent to the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity should help them to understand how important Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts is in the hands-on community. Hopefully they will think twice before pulling the rug out from under this important instituion. Now let's keep our fingers crossed. The photo at the top is the wonderful wood studio at Arrowmont, and the photos below are what happens inside.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Truly good news. I hope it works out for the best and Arrowmont can go on being the treasure it is now. And there I am in the class picture from 2000, so long ago! That sweatshirt is now in tatters from use in the shop.

