I have just a few minutes before the laptop runs out of juice again. I can recharge a bit when I go out in the car. The top photo is looking south toward town and the lower is of damage to a redbud tree. Almost all of Eureka Springs remains without power. But thanks to our wood stove, an abundant supply of firewood, and good friends in the same boat, we are doing quite well. Friends in town are helping each other, and it seems we see the best of human nature come to the surface when times are challenging. It kind of tells the process that allowed Americans to weather the great depression, and tells how strong we will be as we work through the world-wide economic challenges.
Looks like you have now what we in Quebec had in 1998. As a handyman you must be aware of those portable emergency power or back-up power battery packs with built-in inverters which one can but for about $80 to $200 for a very powerful one. You might want to consider investing in one for your lap top to say nothing of emergency power for future ice storms or other "Acts of God". . .
Robin Edgar
As with Robin, your storm reminds me of the one we had in Buffalo in October of 2006. Two feet of wet, heavy snow on trees that still had their leaves. We were without power for five days, and survived with some sanity left thanks to good friends who hadn't lost their power. Good luck.