My wife Jean and I spent the weekend at Devil's Den with friends and It was wonderful to be be surrounded by nature and the lasting legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corp through which thousands of young men learned skills and character during the great depression. The CCC served, building parks and planting trees throughout the US from 1933 until 1942 when our young men were sent to war. In the photos above, you see the sand stone dam used to form the lake at Devil's Den. Next is a cabin in the classic CCC style. Each has been modernized for the convenience of guests. The last photos are of the highway 170 overlook. Young men of the time were so proud of this structure on its completion that they felt that if there were a Pulitzer Prize for construction, this overlook would most assuredly win. It is a shame that such honors of hand craft on a par with literature are not bestowed.

In the structure, you can still see each chisel mark from the tools used to craft it, and each cut required judgment and decisive action, that could not be undone or erased. I wonder what we are doing these days to offer young men the opportunity to earn such pride as these young men felt.
one of my favorite places, too! I won't even dare try to answer the question you pose. It is too depressing to think of it!