Sunday, December 02, 2007

I plan to take a better Bloke in Shed shot of my shop showing more of it, but for now I'll share an earlier shot taken by a professional photographer. We moved my band saw so the shot could be taken against the backdrop of part of my ridiculous collection of wood. This image was sold to a mail order promotion company as a royalty free image. One day I arrived at the post office, and threw out a woodworker's advertising card pack along with other junk mail that was in my post office box. Something felt weird about it, as I had almost noticed myself on the top card. Later in the week, a friend who had looked at her husband's mail with a bit more interest than I had given to my own, noticed me on the cover and saved it for me. The card packet in the photo above is the second mailing from the company using me on the cover. Each mailing is somewhere around 250,000-500,000 copies. Now, the photographer tells me that the image has been sold again so I may see myself somewhere else in weeks and years to come. Watch for me. I may be arriving in your mail, too! In fact, I may have been there a couple times already.

It is interesting that the image has been reversed, making the band saw a lefty... something that a tool user might notice, but that a computer graphics designer or novice do-nothing would not. It has to do with appearances and reality. Reality seems to matter to very few these days. Just to us old geezers with garages, basements and backyard sheds.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    You've been sold! That's pretty odd. I'll look for you in the mail.

    I did notice the bandsaw switch, but at first thought you were pulling the board out.

