Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Arkansas remediation rate...

An interesting statistic to watch is the remediation rate, which tells whether or not students are prepared for college. In Arkansas this year, the remediation rate rose by 3% to 54.6% which means that well over half of Arkansas' graduating seniors who enter college require special non-credit remedial classes to prepare for college level work. Some schools of course do a better job than others. But worsening performance should help to indicate that we are on the wrong course.

I believe it is a matter of the hands. Research has shown that we learn more quickly, we learn effectively, and we retain learning longer when we learn hands-on. Teaching to the test is not working. Allowing our children to spend over 55 hours per week plugged into technology is not preparing them to be responsible citizens or productive workers and it is not preparing them for higher education.


  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Having taught at a community college for 30 years, I can tell you that it's true. High schools are doing something wrong.


  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    And to add to my comment, there are days like yesterday when it becomes incredibly difficult to get even the simplest concepts across.

