I have been busy today, still gathering some materials for the new book, making boxes so I can keep galleries supplied during the spring and summer, and meeting with teachers about new projects at school for the various grades. I think we have some fun things lined up. The photos above are of drying wood. This maple log is stacked in layers (stickered) reforming the shape of the original log, and the second photo shows a moisture meter hooked up to wires from nails buried in the stack, allowing me to check the progress of drying. The sticks between layers provide for air circulation so the wood dries thoroughly and without additional decay. After drying outdoors under cover for 4 months, the wood was moved inside for another year for final drying. You can't buy wood like this as few sawyers will take the time for such careful handling. The log was given to me free, but if time is money, such lumber is expensive. The opportunity to have perfectly matching materials, however will enable this spalted maple log to be made into a piece or two of beautiful furniture.
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