Tuesday, January 30, 2018

measuring student success

Yesterday we finalized the paint colors for Bevins Skiffs.

In work on the boats, the students fell into two working groups, so those groups discussed and decided on the colors for each boat. Today I will order the paints, and when the weather gets better, with daytime temperatures above 50 degrees, we will paint the boats.

I have a remarkable group of interesting kids at all levels. They come to wood shop wanting to do their own thing, and get busy doing it. They ask me for help and for materials or for guidance.

Yesterday with my 4th, 5th and 6th grade class, one student was working on a bank, one on a book, two or three on mineral collection boxes, and others building a  dinosaur park from their own imaginations. A visitor to the class would have had trouble taking it all in.

At the high school level, things are the same. Two students finished a project yesterday that they had planned to benefit the school. They wanted a sign that could be changed to celebrate upcoming holidays. Valentines comes first as you can see in the photo, and it is a nice thing when students feel a strong inclination to do things for their school stemming from their own inclinations and learning interest. Accumulated skills and artistry went into making the sign and other holidays will come.

How can one best measure student success?  To observe students working earnestly and independently of their own volition and at their own level of skill on real things to benefit their community.

Make, fix and create... Encourage others to learn likewise.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing something right when the students know what they want to do and go to work on it, only look to you for support of one kind or another at the right moment.

