"Things men have made with wakened hands, and put soft life into are awake through years with transferred touch, and go on glowing for long years. And for this reason, some old things are lovely warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them." -- D.H. LawrenceAn interesting point is that when men and women make useful beauty, they are crafting or recrafting themselves in useful and beautiful human form.
Arriving home from the museum and a movie, we found 12 incredible lively feral piglets in our trap. We had been observing them on the game camera for days, and had seen them scurry away several times as we drove by. A neighbor grabbed piglets by their back legs, put them in a crate and hauled them away to be raised in captivity and tamed for bacon.
If left in the wild, these would have been a danger to the entire local ecosystem. At this point, and between friends and neighbors we've trapped 18 hogs and killed an additional 9 in the forest surrounding our house. Catching 12 piglets and safely removing them from the wild has been the high point in our unexpected adventure.

Make, fix, create, and offer to others the likelihood of loving to learn likewise.
The trapping plan seems to be working. Better bacon than a destroyed ecosystem.