As they finish, I will offer them time to develop greater skill on the lathe, or to begin short term independent projects of their own design. My upper school students will lose one week of wood shop time due to travel school and may not finish their guitars in time, depending on how well they have been engaged up to this point.
There is a saying about leading horses to the water trough. Just as one cannot force a horse to drink, you cannot force a child to learn the things you hope they might learn, and so rather than waste your time or theirs, it makes sense to make allowances.

The guitars at left are among those that received strings in yesterday's woodshop.
We had dinner with a friend from Norway on Monday night, and she was a bit delighted that I could understand a bit of her Norwegian. So in 138 days of studying Swedish and Norwegian using Duolingo.com, I've made progress. Choose a language and study for a half hour each day, and you'll have not wasted your time.
Make, fix, create and extend to others the love of learning likewise.
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