In the photo below, you can see the 4 small cabinets offered as variations on a theme, with the aforementioned steps complete but for final sanding. They offer four kinds of corner joints, 4 basic woods, with one having contrasting door panels. One cabinet offers solid wood doors, and I made the cabinets in two sizes.

Some of my readers might be interested in the agenda for my hands/makers in schools meeting in association with the Maker Faire in Detroit. There will be 18 of us meeting for two days to do the following:
•Design school programs and facilities to support making and ”thinkering.”I will be going camera in hand to capture the excitement at the Maker Faire.
•Identify the practices, systems, and policies needed to support these next generation programs.
•Identify and discuss changes in mindsets, policies, and practices required to make these designs a reality.
Somewhere in the attic in a box, there are projects that my sons made when they were young. I'm glad they started young, but it's so sad that making things in school ended shortly after. At least they had access to my shop later.