Sunday, July 07, 2024

fifty boxes

Yesterday I inlaid the lids of 50 small boxes, cut the lids to length and am ready for hinging and assembly. I was helped by having the inlay already made (by myself) and by being of a certain age and experience.

Much is made of Biden's age, while hardly a word is said about Trump being younger by only two years. In the meantime, youth is not always a good thing.

While whippersnappers (of various ages) are running hither and yon, providing evidence of youthful vigor and misdirection, wisdom and experience are on the side of those who may be working at a slower pace while getting more done.

In box making it's important knowing what to do. It is also important to know what things are not to be done that distract one from a straighter path. Two things one may learn over a period of time are what not to do, and what to value in the doing.

I do not know whether President Biden's campaign will survive the stupidity with which he's being assaulted. Agism is rampant in America, even against those in their 40's, 50's and 60's. Young folks, eager to make their own marks, and too impatient to grasp the value of what's gone on before appear to be moving fast. If you look past the motion blur you may find that they may lack the efficiency of some older folks. I'm better at what I do than I was 48 years ago and the small boxes I make are even better and more refined. That happens. I take naps sometimes. They help. And just because we may seem over the hill, we're not.

A note on the boxes—Governor Bill Clinton carried my small boxes as gifts from the State of Arkansas on some of his foreign travels. They are made from Arkansas hardwoods and showcase the value of the forests of the "Natural State."

Make, fix and create. Assist others in learning likewise.

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