Saturday, July 13, 2024

education reform step 2

The second thing to recognize in educational reform is that activities that are by nature real, engaging all the senses create a better network of remembrance, connection and utility in the brain. This has been proven by research. 

Learning that takes place hands-on, meaning it was accomplished by being physically present thus engaging all the senses has much deeper and longer lasting effect. You can think of the brain as real estate, and hands-on activities and experiences are noted in the full breadth of sensory and motor cortices with greater impact and depth of interconnected remembrance. Students sitting at desks with thumbs a-twittle is a waste that serves none well.

Modern classroom learning where students sit at desks, while teachers attempt to instill information into their brains insists on student passivity and leads to passive unresponsive lives. That may be useful to a political society in which direct engagement is to be squelched. But a democratic society requires active engagement of each and all in making the decisions that affect our own lives.

Again, the answer is simple. Insist that classroom teachers lead students in doing real things. Getting out of the classroom into real life is advised.

The walnut and spalted red oak box shown was made as a demonstration box in  class at ESSA years ago. In it I demonstrated hand cut dovetails and the making and use of wooden hinges.

Make, fix and create.

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