Sunday, July 21, 2024

Balancing economy vs. THE Economy.

When we spend money, it's good for others as it stimulates the economy. When we save money by doing things for ourselves, it's good for our own households, and also good for the planet, in that it reduces the impact of consumerism and the transport of materials and goods great distances and at great burden to the environment.

One of the differences between Educational Sloyd and the Russian system of manual arts training was that while the Russian system involved the making of useless parts of things, Educational Sloyd involved the making of things useful to family and community life. 

The Russian system was intended to develop workers for industry. Educational Sloyd was developed in response to a flood of manufactured goods that deprived the citizenry of their long standing self-reliance on things they could make for themselves. Its development was partially in response to the loss of community character that commonly came from the making of those things.

By making things useful within the family and community, the student would receive the benefit of being recognized as useful, and families would recognize the importance and value of schooling.

As Salomon had noted, the value of the carpenter's work is in the things the carpenter makes. The value of the things the student makes is in the student, reflecting the deeper relationship the making of beautiful and useful things brings to the student, the family, the community and nation.

The two carvings shown here were done by my great uncle, Charles A. Richards in Ft. Dodge, Iowa during WWII as his nieces and nephews were at war. They brought no benefit to THE economy but brought other things. And as we worship THE economy, we should pay greater attention to other things, and practice of economy, also called thrift.

Make, fix and create...

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