I'm working in my own shop to get kits made for my student's parents to pick up next week, and the week after and I'm working on a youtube tutorial on how to use Sketchup to make a Lego block. The value of that is partly in learning a useful design program, and also in learning to follow explicit instructions to a "T." A small typing error, inputing the wrong dimension, being off by a fraction of a millimeter will not create a Lego block that fits other Lego blocks.
When we are no longer so distant my students and I will be able to print their Lego blocks using the school's 3D printers.
Keeping busy allows me to cope.
My newsletter for woodworking at home with kids Volume 1, Number 4, went out yesterday and explains the use of the square. My shop made squares are ready for parents to pick up at school on Monday to continue at home learning.
Kids are being pushed into more and more screen time and while our internet devices are helping us all to cope, in the long term we need to be doing real things.
There's an arts initiative to support artists that shows promise: https://www.cnn.com/style/article/coronavirus-recession-wpa-arts-programs-wellness-style/index.html
Make, fix and create. Assist others in learning lifewise.
ReplyDeleteWhen my son copied a Lego brick using Autodesk Inventor, we discovered that its dimensions were imperial. Imagine that.
Thanks for all you do,
Nick S