What wise parents want for their own children, they also want for all children. And so why would that be? Certainly because we want the world in which our children grow up to be one in which they prosper and live without fear.
Every child at risk places our own children at risk and the world itself at risk. Is that so difficult to understand?
And because we, as individuals, do not have the power to take care of the needs of all children, we, the wise, elect governments to act on our behalf.
For some, that is difficult to understand. And so they make up horror stories to frighten folks to keep them from trusting schools, teachers, and even librarians. They do that to gain influence and power, perhaps because they were in some way injured themselves.
We are facing challenging times as hardliners take control. In the meantime, there's some good work to do, in small workshops, classrooms, studios, and kitchens to give to our own children and grandchildren what they need, for they, uninjured, will help in small ways to change the world, making it a better place despite the obstacles the hardliners throw in their paths.
In my wood shop I'm making a couple small tilt-lid boxes to fit inside much larger jewelry chests, that will provide an interesting way to store necklaces. Details will emerge later, and by sharing the making of beautiful and useful things, I can find greater peace in challenging times.
Ordering my new book on Amazon has been confusing for some, due to delays in the distribution of it. It will get much better soon.
Doug, you are as articulate as ever. Thank you for your important way of being in the world.