Monday, July 01, 2024

black jobs, hispanic jobs

During the Trump-Biden debate this week, in which an elderly man confronted a very slightly younger serial liar with great vigor at lying and a distorted sense of reality, Trump warned that millions of immigrants were coming to take "black jobs, and hispanic jobs" clearly characterizing some jobs as lower, less worthy of respect and placing them along racial lines as though there weren't a large number of white folks doing the same work to support their families. 

There's a long history of such characterizations in American politics, in denial of the basic Jeffersonian precept that all men are created equal. The false premise is that some jobs are intellectual, and some are not. And in that is a huge failing among "intellectuals" to acknowledge the amount of intellect invested in jobs and activities that have a physical component. For instance, making a box.

Trump bragged about his proficiency in golf... one of the most cheated at physical pursuits and one allowing your "handicap" to be used in measuring your performance in comparison with others... thus allowing you to claim a win without actually winning... a game perfectly suited to Trump.

Would you rather have a president with compassion or one who can lie with vigor? I would rather have one who shows respect for all persons and all labor.

Make, fix and create. 


  1. Very well said Doug!

    Respect for all no matter the education or the job one holds.
    All hands are needed in making a society thrive.
    Brgds Jonas

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I agree with you completely.
