Friday, September 20, 2019

straight and square.

My head of school asked about any particular academic content covered during the course of the week, and even in wood shop there are concepts important to the development of a child's powers to observe and discern. "Straight" is one that helps. Another is "square." Both are important in achieving accuracy and to assure that things actually work and go together as planned.

The square (a woodworking tool)  is used to mark 90° lines directly across wood so that a straight, square cut can be made. Students will find it difficult to do quality work without paying attention to the basic concept square.

 On Thursday with my elementary school kids I had a practice day based on the teaching model used in med school. "See one, do one, teach one." And so I put my slightly older kids in charge of teaching the younger ones. Results were good. Cutting accuracy was improved for both the older and younger students.

When one is given the responsibility to teach, enhanced learning is assured. That's why they follow the same rule in med school. An amazing amount of attention is required when making your first cuts. As you practice, less direct attention is required, thus making it appear deceptively easy when it actually is not. The ability to pay attention is an important skill in the arts and sciences and throughout schooling.

Make, fix, create, and assure that others have the chance to learn likewise.

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