Monday, May 06, 2019

moving beyond arrogance and greed...

Today in the Clear Spring School wood shop students will be learning some of the lessons to be learned from the practice of craftsmanship. Jean Jacques Rousseau had said, put a young man in a wood shop, his hands will benefit his brain and he'll become a philosopher while thinking himself only a craftsman.

Rousseau implied that there is stature and standing in the practice of philosophy. It was his calling. He also implied a sense of humility in the young man in that he thinks himself "only a craftsman."

Humility is one of the important traits of character seriously lacking in the current state of affairs.

Self promotion seems to be the name of the game in politics and in business affairs, while throughout the country in our small towns and villages, folks do simple humble things in service to each other.

Will there be a time when we are wise enough to choose our leaders from among those who've chosen a more humble path? There are certain warning signs that could protect us in the future from the leaders we have now. Ardent self-promotion tells us that certain folks are not worthy of our respect. Great wealth is never a sign that a man is worthy of our trust.

Watch for those who give freely of themselves in service to others and give them the responsibility and power to be of greater service. You can learn qualities of heart and humility by making useful beauty in service to family and community. It's why kids belong in wood shops.

Make, fix and create. Assist others in learning and growing likewise.

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