During the weekend I had a conversation with my cousin Gary, a retired optometrist. His older brother has always been capable of making and fixing all kinds of things. And Gary has regretted that he had gotten the short end of the stick when it came to fixing and making, and reaping the satisfaction that comes from DIY. Although successful in his career, Gary knew he was missing something important, the confidence and satisfaction his brother expressed.
We need to be encouraged to look for the kinds of satisfaction we can find in working with our hands. And without that encouragement, it may never happen for us.
“As the development of the motor centers in the brain hinges, in a great degree upon the movements and exercises of youth, it will be readily understood how important is the nature of the part played by the early exercise of the hand. There can be no doubt that the most active epoch in the development of these motor centers is from the fourth to fifteenth year, after which they become comparatively fixed and stubborn. Hence it can be understood that boys and girls whose hands have been left altogether untrained up to the fifteenth year are practically incapable of high manual efficiency thereafter.” --James Crichton BrowneCertainly, not all children and adults have the same level of manual dexterity. Not all have the same integration of hands and mind, and even within a single family, one child may get encouragement that another will not. But each of us can gain greater wisdom through the efforts of our own hands.
Make, fix and create...
Making a small cabinets can be done on your. But, first you have to plan it. You need basic tools for this activity.