Friday, March 11, 2011


Last night we had a very successful art auction fund raiser for the Clear Spring School, so we are all pleased with the community support. As usual, it was a wonderful event with fine foods, and beautiful donated work and a wide variety of choices to bid upon. My walnut hall table garnered one of the highest bids, so I was particularly pleased to see it raise money for the school.

Today, I continue to work on a grant proposal for the Wisdom of the Hands, and I'm finishing the sculpture I'd started as a restful break in celebration of completing my book, Making Small Cabinets. In making sculpture, unlike my cabinet making, there are few absolute precision cuts. What you do is what you get, and if what you've done reveals something of the wonder and beauty of the natural world, and in some small way opens an eye or two to look and see things differently, the work is complete. This first piece shown above is tentatively titled, "no, not Noguchi." Below you will find "twisted" and "torn." When I sell a piece, I'll find justification to make more.

I have been watching a bit of the tsunami/earthquake destruction in Japan, and reading Azby Brown's book Just Enough. The video images from Japan are frightening. The order and sensibility of earlier times presented by Azby's book is a stark contrast to complete chaos. Somewhere between the images and imagination, we will find hope for all those affected by this tragedy.

Make, fix and create. It is great practice for whatever comes next.

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