Richard Bazeley sent me a report from the UK on the state of Technical and design education in that country. Education for a technologically advanced nation which can be found at www.ofsted.gov.uk If you can get through the immediate mind numbing effects, you might find something of value in it. There was one small school, sounding like my own Clear Spring School held up in the report as an example of success amidst far reaching national failure.
Every so often, things come down from on high, how schools should be adapted to new standards and toward new objectives and these reports are offered with the very best of intentions. But the way of the craftsman is that when you have an idea, rather than direct others, you cut wood, acting directly to see the potentials within your idea. Sometimes things work, and sometimes you go to plan b. In order to overcome disconnect between the halls of academia and where the rubber meets the road, it seems those who would like to have influence on the future of education would best consider the craftsman's approach. Test things in your own woodshop or classroom before you direct nations to perform to your beck and call. Lead by example rather than push by edict.
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