Friday, August 23, 2024

moving toward simple from complex

I'm now at the point of attaching the reliquary bases to the upper assembly. So, with a vast range of experience and the desire to show off, I began thinking of complex ways that I could demonstrate to complete a relatively simple task. Fortunately circumstances directed me back toward a simple approach. 

The interior structure of the reliquary involves drawer guides that run parallel to the direction of the wood grain in the base. While complex thinking directed me to screws or dowels and the challenges they present for accurate alignment, there is actually no stronger joint than wood glued of same species with grain running parallel.

Is it not odd that we often overcomplicate simple operations, adding to them a greater likelihood of error? A question a craftsman must keep at the forefront of mind is this: "How can I simplify this and thus reduce mistakes?" 

If you've used wood glue, you'll have noted the way pieces being glued can slip and slide in relation to each other as pressure is applied. The simple answer is to let the wood absorb enough of the glue and the glue to get tacky before applying pressure. And then one must observe that pieces have remained exactly as you want. If not, a very careful tap with a block and mallet will quickly loosen things if you've noted misalignment before the glue is fully set. Check and check again.

One of the things that I hope is happening these days is the greater recognition of the value of the common person, woman or man. The world is chock full of folks doing wha they can to make the world a better place. We may get mesmerized by money, power or fame, but let's keep things simple. And simply express love for each other. And if your first inclination in dealing with others is not the expression of love. Get therapy. 

One way to express love is by crafting useful beauty to share with others.

Make, fix and create...

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