Sunday, August 25, 2024

How refreshing.

I have the reliquaries assembled, ready for signing and finish. Each will display with 25 samples of Arkansas hardwoods. These are absolutely impractical objects, but my hope is that they will end up in museums or in places where their message may have transformative effects.

I submitted an article for publication in an online journal and was told that they'll evaluate it when the staff returns from a no internet retreat. What a refreshing idea. We are each, I think, overwhelmed by too much meaningless and distractive overly shallow connectedness, when getting off the usual online stuff would provide greater insight.

When Arificial intelligence first began to threaten schools by allowing AI services to do student writing I had a simple idea. Require the students to write directly about the things they know from personal experience... Not the BS you find online. In other words, avoid the Kardashians unless you are one.

One of the advantages I've had as a writer is the gift of doing real things. Seek that gift. 

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