Tuesday, May 14, 2024

An onslaught

Artificial intelligence is going to take most of the fun out of the internet if there's any left. I became (without my permission) subscribed to a substack on artificial intelligence due to my having used the term in an article and post and its use of an AI tool for mining the internet for email advertising targets. The subscription was not voluntary. The substack about AI was promoting a subscription service to greatly multiply your number of sales contacts, which it had used to vastly increase its subscriber base. It bragged about how they'd greatly increased their subscriber base using a tool called Scop. Give Scop a keyword and it will scan the whole of the internet for related contacts, and put them in a format that you can use to blast others without their permission.

The powers of AI may bring a few good things in medical research, but to casual use of the internet, forget it. We'll soon be overwhelmed by junk if that's not already the case.

All that reminds me that there is a real world to attend to in which people do real things... attempting to create useful beauty in service to family, community and self. 

Today I'm getting ready for the White St. Art Walk here in Eureka. It is an annual event and I'll have a few pieces of work set up for sales.

Make, fix and create.

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