I woke up the last three nights from a singular dream. You know how dreams can tend to be preposterous? This dream was about various people taking great pride and pleasure in their work. I was reminded of the irrationality this dream when I stopped at a fast food restaurant for lunch. The staff was in a panic. The manager was berserk. A buzzer was going off and would not go quiet. She hollered at her employees, "Can't you make this order go off the screen?" "Why won't this order go off the screen?" No doubt there was something in the computer which timed order fulfillment and would indicate to her bosses, the near tragedy of her management. Another question that might have been asked in a lower volume, and that might have shown the kind of human compassion that stands at the core of successful business: "Has this customer been taken care of yet?"
Anyway, I'll keep dreaming, loving the work I do, thanking my very lucky stars and wishing my dream for others will come true.
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