Sunday, May 19, 2024

The way it works

Everything that can be taught, can be taught to deeper effect if taught hands-on. For instance various aspects of history and culture that are normally taught only through books and lecture can be examined by using various tools from various countries and that tool use can offer insight into human history and cultural development from different nations.

The Japanese woodworking tools can serve as examples. While western handsaws made stiff and heavy through an abundance of steel, Japanese saws were made thin and light because steel was a more precious commodity. Japanese hand saws, because they are made so thin and light are operated in the pull rather than the push stroke. Trying to push  a Japanese saw through a cut will cause the blade to bind and bend, whereas on the pull stroke they work fast and efficiently, so the way of working is shifted by such a simple thing. Even a simple, subtle thing can have broad implications on all aspects of development.

We've used Japanese style saws at the Clear Spring School for many years as they are light enough for kids to use, and still effective as the child grows toward high school age. Working on the pull rather than push gives a different slant to Asian culture and history, and the examination and use of Japanese saws offers a simple way to begin a deeper exploration. Use of real tools and their history and effects provides an opportunity for all students to become more deeply engaged, even those who are choosing to go to college, or may be in college at the present time.  This is just one small example of how crafts can be useful to deepen an understanding of a particular subject. has excellently crafted Japanese saws on sale right now at 30% off. The dozuki saw is the one I use for cutting dovetails.

Another example of the more sparing use of steel can be found in the typical Japanese rasp. Instead of having a heavy steel body with raised cutting edges, the Japanese rasp is made of much thinner materials, reflecting again the reduced availability of steel. Both the Japanese saws and rasps surprise western users with how easy and effective they are to use. also has these on sale. 

If you teach a subject normally taught by reading or lecture alone, use your imagination. Look for opportunities to bring the hands into learning.

Make, fix and create...

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