I was also pleased to meet readers of the blog yesterday and even more on the day before. One, a 7th and 8th grade woodshop teacher from a Boston public school came up yesterday to ask about projects, and to get some inspiration for next year's classes. Like many other woodworking teachers, he had found boxes to be great and inspiring projects for both boys and girls, so he spent some time photographing boxes, sketching boxes and watching a couple demonstrations. Another blog reader is from Australia and is currently studying at the school as one of an elite group of advanced students in furniture design. It is a pleasure to connect faces with readers, and gives me both a better sense of the importance of this blog (without an inflated sense of self) and additional reason to keep at the writing of it, knowing there are real folks who understand the wisdom of their hands.

In his address delivered to the Eastern Manual Training Association in 1904, Gustaf Larsson noted that the pronciples of Educational Sloyd were based on observation of how children actually learn.
1. The teachers must be professional teachers, and not artisans merely.
2. The teaching must be systematic, progressive, and. with exception of certain class demonstrations, as far as possible, individual.
3. Such work should be selected as will give the best physical development, through free, vigorous movements.
4. The visible or material results should in even respect represent the workers' own effort. Generally speaking, this should mean no division of labor, and practically the exclusion of machinery as a labor-saving device.
5. The exercises, which progress from the easy to the more difficult, should be applied on attractive objects, the use of which can be thoroughly appreciated by the worker. Each object should be simple, and of good form and proportion.
6. The course should include not only objects which can be made accurate by the help of testing tools, but also free-hand work which exercises the sense of form through sight and touch.
7. Special importance is attached to neatness, accuracy, and finish, to the love of good work for its own sake, and to the development of independence. It will be said that these are principles which it is safe to follow not only in Sloyd but in other branches of education, and I feel that the best manual training teachers in all countries are united in their faith in these principles, which are of a general educational character and not originated by any one man or country. They are the result of the growth and thought of many educators.

Make, fix and create...
Ah, reminds me of classes I've taken from you.