Thursday, November 15, 2018

my 70th.

This is my 70th birthday, and that's a bit past retirement age for many Americans. As a craftsman, I've known that I'd not make as much money as some, but quality of life is the main thing. Even as an older man, I feel that I can make significant contributions to my community.

I do wonder about whether or not this blog will have lasting impact. Are we not what our hands have made of us? And the challenge becomes this: Do we sit on our hands or put them in action and service to others. If we sit upon them, how do we come to a better realization of our own creative force?

I am engaged in the back and forth with my editor, bringing the details of my Wisdom of the Hands Guide to Woodworking With Kids book into coherent form. A how-to book is different from a book of just words. It consists of images, and details that must all be integrated into coherent pages. It is also different in that it challenges the reader to do more than think and reflect. It calls upon the reader to act.

Today I'll play with the dog. If the temperature rises to a level of comfort, I'll apply Danish oil to boxes.

There are some things that you can do to help. Test what I've shared with you in your own hands. Arrive at your own conclusions. Are the hands the source of character and intelligence as I've described? If so, share what you learn through your own hands with others. Develop skill. Observe and reflect. If you find some modicum of truth here, share it with others.

As one art teacher had observed online, the hands are the philosopher's stone. They give meaning, depth, breadth and longevity to learning and have the power to transform education. But that transformation is a larger goal than a 70 year old man can accomplish on his own. Share what you read here, and take action on what you've learned.

Make, fix, create and share what you've learned...


  1. Doug,
    We celebrate you and your many contributions to education and the common good. Today is Give to the Max Day locally and we are making a gift in your honor to a Montessori school. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday! You are two weeks younger than I am.

  3. Knud Lunde2:09 PM

    A very Happy Birthday to you, Doug, and best wishes for a new decade of beauty and usefulness. Thank you for your blog, an inspiration also to us who are not teachers. Knud and Barbara

  4. Doug you are a true inspiration for your community and especially to those who know you personally like Ramona and me!
    Thanks for being a friend! I am so happy for your new friend Rosie. Life is so much richer with a dog
    Love and respect.
