We will have our first volunteer work days this weekend, as we assemble work benches, and build stands for various tools.
Today in the Clear Spring School wood shop, students will likely continue making super heroes and working from their own imaginations.
Our middle school and high school students are working on a dramatic performance of our community wide battle against SWEPCO that some of my readers will remember. I was one of the leaders in a movement to stop the electric power company, SWEPCO, from building an unnecessary and unwanted extra high voltage powerline through our community. One of the proposed lines would have run through the woods 75 feet from my deck.
The tiny turtle that I found outside my shop became a symbol for me of all the wonderful tiny creatures that cannot be seen from the seat of a bulldozer, from the windows of a helicopter or from the corporate boardroom. There are lovely things underfoot in the world, and we and our children can learn to act in sympathy and harmony with such things.
Make, fix, and join in the creative forces of the universe.
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