Corporate gifts boxes ready for delivery |
My 500 boxes are finished and ready for delivery, and since they are for a corporate gifts customer, I'll not say more until they've been received as gifts. This has been a great commission and one that I am pleased to have received, and as it is interesting, I'll tell more later on in the blog.
Panels of white oak glued and clamped |
Today I am beginning work on an oak headboard for our guest room. It is a very simple design, intended to be quick and easy to make and to not compete visually with other pieces in the room. The first step is to plane the material to be glued up, then to join boards into wider sections, that will be once again passed through the planer and glued again to form the large floating panel forming the back. A frame of thicker white oak cut from 8/4 stock will form the frame.
For some reason, we know longer seem to understand craftsmanship and the traits of character it instills. For those concerned as I am, about our having created a culture of violence, the following quote from Comenius (1592-1670) will remind us of the value of arts and crafts in the establishment of successful human culture.
"We give form to ourselves and to our materials at the same time."
There can be no growth toward successful human culture without attention to the growth of the individual, and there is no better way to support that growth than through nurturing craftsmanship. Men armed with hand planes do not kill children.
Make, fix and create...
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