People for years have been advocating that values be taught in school. Those who speak the loudest in the US proclaim that schools without clearly delineated "Christian" values as expressed through organized prayer have become a moral wasteland, and that organized prayer offers the solution. But the real decline in our values has little to do with our choice of religions but with a more fundamental cause. The denigration of manual labor and ignorance of the values expressed directly through the creations of our human hands, concurrent with the promotion of entertainment, consumption and idle distraction as our primary values, leave our nation, our people and our schools at a tremendous loss. What we do, and whether or not we express care in how we do it is the fundamental choice in the expression of human values. We can profess in words-- belief in one thing or another, but in what we do with our hands as they express creativity, beauty and service, the real qualities of the human soul are revealed.
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