Sunday, June 30, 2024

great show and reception for residents

We had a great reception and show of work by participants in our two week woodworking residency at ESSA. I had the honor of observing growth.

Guests had the honor of meeting these fine artists, seeing their work, and buying some to keep. A portion from work sold will support future residencies.

The two week mentored woodworking residency was considered a great success.

There’s a theory in physics called quantum entanglement… that if two particles are introduced to each other, they can be thrust to the furthest corners of the universe and what’s happened with one is known to the other. I believe the same thing happens with people when our creative lives merge. Surely we will have occasions to remember our time together at ESSA and the things we’ve learned in each other’s company.

Make, fix, create and assist others in learning likewise.

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