Tuesday, September 26, 2023

How in the world to pay for it?

In a Senate subcommittee meeting this last week, Senator Kennedy from Louisiana got a chance to grill a labor expert on the effects of the covid pandemic on children and child care. He insisted that there's no money in the budget to do the things necessary to keep our children safe. The expert assured him that if we were to raise taxes, there would be plenty of money, and that our budgetary problems are the result of 40 years of budget cuts resulting from the failed philosophy of trickle down economics.


Wishful thinking assumes that given the opportunity to make more money, rich folks, instead of becoming lazy and self-satisfied, will be driven to create new jobs. 

After testing the theory for the last 40 years, we have a society in which the rich became very, very rich, and we have children living in squalor and parents living in desperation.

Isn't it time to get real? Let's raise taxes on the wealthy and spend wisely to insure that every child has the opportunity to rise to full potential.

How do we spend wisely? "What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, he wants for all children as well."

In my woodshop today I'm preparing stock for making boxes to fill orders that were put on the shelf while working on the book. I'm made thousands in the past, so getting back in the swing of things is comforting.

Make, fix and create... Assist others in learning likewise.

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