Wednesday, February 14, 2018

even under bare ground.

"Put your hand here," she said, and even though the ground was bare, I could feel the growing of grass beneath, just where she said. So it is with life. One must be instructed toward some sensitivity for it to feel it and to recognize it even under winter's bare earth.

But then that was a  dream. Are there powers we've yet to understand? Our digital devices make a parade of all that. But then batteries die and life goes on.

Today in the Clear Spring School wood shop, my middle school students will be working on canes, and my elementary school students will be continuing to make unicorns.

Happy Valentines Day.

To learn how to form a mitered finger joint (as shown) and find an article I wrote recently online, go to the following link on the Taunton Press website:

Make, fix, and create. Let real life awaken your hidden powers.

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