Wednesday, February 06, 2019

dissemble and assemble

I had arranged the Froebel blocks into a cube and then watched as the kids, within minutes, took my assembly apart and began the process of arranging the blocks according to their own inclinations. The blocks are serving in just the way I had planned.... an impromptu playground that is in constant flux.

If you've watched children play with blocks, this is the same process but on a larger scale and involving the whole body and sharing the process with friends.

Some simple rules have been established, and the teachers are watching.
  1. Blocks stay within the volleyball court.
  2. No ankle grabbing.
  3. Stack blocks only 2 high.
  4. Don't move blocks if someone is on them.
  5. Stack and move carefully and mindful of others fingers and toes.
It would be interesting to have a series of photos taken during a school day to watch transformation. What does this have to do with learning? Everything. It's play.

Today in the wood shop, we will begin work on the installation of the school's Little Free Library. That means digging.
Make, fix and create. Assist others in learning likewise.

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