Sunday, September 30, 2018


Letter writing at the Clear Spring School, stimulated by our making of mail boxes, has gone into full swing. The students write letters to each other. One wrote to a high school student and simply said, "give me some money." So the letters can be short, but the lessons and learning are long. They are learning to take care in what they say in their letters, and to take care in how they write. In wood shop they learned to take care in the assembly and decoration of their mail boxes.

The students check their mail regularly, and my own box was added, so I, too, will receive mail.

Yesterday my wife and I drove to Missouri to meet our new puppy Rosie. She is just over 5 weeks old and it was a good thing for us to become acquainted three weeks before we bring her home. Already knowing us will ease the transition to her new home.

Make, fix, create, and enable others to learn likewise.

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