With the help of my assistant, I continue to make progress on boxes as you can see in the photo above. Today in the Clear Spring School wood shop, first, second and third grade students did paper sloyd, learned that equations could apply to paper and wood as well as to numbers. In math class, they have been learning about equations, and the wood shop is a place where they can actually apply what they know to real things.
The 7th, 8th and 9th grade students made pencil boxes, using skills they acquired last week in the use of the scroll saw and cutting straight lines marked with pencil and square.
Early educators believed learning was a two way street. What became known was to be tested and demonstrated through action.
Make, fix and create...
"Early educators believed learning was a two way street."
ReplyDeleteI taught woodworking for 31 years and tried, in vain, to convince administrators that this was a true concept. Keep trying. Maybe we can get a few administrators and legislators to accept the truth.